GPS tracking for forklifts

Forklift fitted with a Teletrack GPS tracker and pre-start kit.

If you are on the lookout for GPS trackers or telematics for your forklift, it first best to understand what your needs are. Is it anti-theft, get analytics on its usage, pre-starts, maintenance tracking or restrict operation?

Anti-theft on forklifts

Forklifts, depending on size, capability, condition, usage, and accessories, can be expensive to replace even if you have full insurance; what is the cost of downtime if you don’t have your machine available and working?

Fitting a GPS tracker to a forklift can help track down where it’s gone if you know it’s missing. Setting up a geo-fence for your business premises can also alert you that your forklift is leaving its designated operating area, sending either an email or SMS notification.


GPS trackers or telematics systems don’t just tell you where your forklifts are located; they also say how long they are being used for, where they are being used and other critical usage information that can help you keep track of maintenance/servicing.


Teletrack supplies GPS trackers with immobilisers, and an optional accessory is the pre-start kit. This system stops operators from using forklifts unless they complete a safety pre-start check and sign-in. Managers can set conditions for using a forklift, such as restrictions based on competency and licences.

Maintenance tracking

Fitting telematics to your forklifts with Teletrack also gives you the option to set up a digital maintenance management system. Maintenance technicians can keep track of maintenance checks inside Teletrack by scanning a QR Code on the forklift and perform the check on their smartphone.

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